
The Special Message of Admin

The time has come for the Buddhist devotees to wake up and act towards the stability and survival of Buddhism. My aim is to get the firm support of the Buddhist people all over the world and to educate them in untainted ,simple Buddhist doctrine which would lead to having Noble individuals with super-mundane Fruition (stage of holiness) again in this holy world of Buddhism.

With the genuine purpose in mind I have formed "Dam Ama Gangula Foundation" 09 years ago. I was trying to provide Dhamma as what The Blessed One's real word to develop virtuous conduct among Young Buddhist generation to cultivate their wisdom beyond knowledge and intelligence of all the scientific theories, by themselves.

I have intend to rescue the young peoples to think prefer who have disregarded the five precepts  involving themselves,in vices like alcohol, drugs and the various sinful disruptive acts and exposing them to the real path Dhamma and bring forth successful individuals thus:making Valuable Buddha sasana.

This is my kind invitation to you to get together to have save the Buddhist order according to the peaceful methods of Buddhism with patience loving kindness and compassion through the complete understanding of Dhamma disregarding criticism, mud slinging,reproach and enrage.

May the Triple Gem Blessed You...!
Photographed by Milton Senadeera

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